Here’s another piece of gaming nostalgia: Freelancer. It’s celebrating its 20th birthday this year which seems like a good opportunity to me to get it up and running again.


Although this can probably achieved in any number of ways here is what I used:

  • Lutris (flatpak or native), the version used here was 0.5.14 from Flathub

  • Freelancer install script for Lutris (the following is a customized version of this which contains various fixes including a no-CD fix). This script contains a custom return code after the initial installation. This is necessary because this step does not exit cleanly resulting in the Lutris installation crashing.

    Expand to see script

      "count": 1,
      "next": null,
      "previous": null,
      "results": [
          "id": 11013,
          "game_id": 18262,
          "game_slug": "freelancer",
          "name": "Freelancer",
          "year": 2003,
          "runner": "wine",
          "slug": "freelancer-cdrom",
          "version": "CDROM",
          "description": "Includes the following:\r\n\r\n- Official 1.1 patch\r\n- Jason's Freelancer Patch (for widescreen support)\r\n- Draw distance extender (optional)",
          "notes": "I haven't set wine version as any recent one will work. An esync supporting version is recommended for slightly better performance.",
          "created_at": "2018-11-28T16:50:23.911000Z",
          "updated_at": "2021-12-10T18:28:02.398150Z",
          "draft": false,
          "published": true,
          "published_by": 51687,
          "is_playable": null,
          "script": {
            "files": [
                "officialpatch": ""
                "jflp": ""
                "nocd": ""
                "perfoptions": ""
                "msacm32": ""
                "highdrawexe": ""
                "hidpifontsfix": ""
                "wmfdist": ""
            "game": {
              "arch": "win32",
              "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe",
              "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
            "installer": [
                "task": {
                  "arch": "win32",
                  "description": "Creating Wine prefix",
                  "name": "create_prefix",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
                "insert-disc": {
                  "requires": "setup.exe"
                "task": {
                  "description": "Installing Freelancer. Please choose \"Express install\".",
                  "executable": "$DISC/setup.exe",
                  "name": "wineexec",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
                  "return_code": 256
                "execute": {
                  "command": "mkdir -p '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/'",
                  "description": "Creating configuration directory"
                "move": {
                  "description": "Creating configuration file",
                  "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini",
                  "src": "perfoptions"
                "task": {
                  "description": "Installing 1.1 patch",
                  "executable": "officialpatch",
                  "name": "wineexec",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
                "task": {
                  "description": "Installing required audio codecs (prevents in-game stuttering)",
                  "executable": "wmfdist",
                  "name": "wineexec",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
                "move": {
                  "description": "Installing no-cd",
                  "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe",
                  "src": "nocd"
                "move": {
                  "description": "Adding msacm32.dll (saves downloading a 300mb file from winetricks)",
                  "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/msacm32.dll",
                  "src": "msacm32"
                "task": {
                  "description": "Installing Jason's Freelancer Patch for widescreen support",
                  "executable": "jflp",
                  "name": "wineexec",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
                "execute": {
                  "command": "echo \"Setting in game resolution to $RESOLUTION_WIDTH x $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT...\"\n\nsed \"s/size\\s*=.*/size=$RESOLUTION_WIDTH, $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT /\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\" -i  \nsed \"s/color_bpp\\s*=.*/color_bpp=32/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\" -i\nsed \"s/depth_bpp\\s*=.*/depth_bpp=32/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\" -i  \necho \"...done\"\n\nif [ $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT -gt 1500 ]\nthen\n  echo \"Your resolution's height is larger than 1500 pixels, this causes Freelancer to render fonts incorrectly on both windows and linux\"\n  echo \"Applying font patch...\"\n  cp $CACHE/hidpi_fonts.ini \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/FONTS/fonts.ini\"\n  echo \"...done\"\nfi\n# Symlink steamuser to the main user directory so Proton uses the same PerfOptions.ini\nln -sf \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/steamuser\"\necho \"Complete!\"\n",
                  "description": "Setting game resolution your screen's native resolution"
                "input_menu": {
                  "description": "Increase draw distances?",
                  "id": "DRAWDISTANCE",
                  "options": [
                      "y": "Yes"
                      "n": "No"
                  "preselect": "y"
                "execute": {
                  "command": "if [ $INPUT = 'n' ]\nthen\n  echo \"...skipping\"\nfi\nif [ $INPUT = 'y' ]\nthen\n  echo \"Increasing game draw distance...\"\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/SHIPS/shiparch.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/SHIPS/rtc_shiparch.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/SOLAR/solararch.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/select_equip.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/weapon_equip.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/misc_equip.ini\" -i\n  sed \"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/st_equip.ini\" -i\n  cp $CACHE/Freelancer_IncreasedDrawDistance.exe \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe\"\n\n  echo \"...done\"\nfi\necho \"Complete!\"\n",
                  "description": "Draw distance patch"
                "execute": {
                  "command": "echo \"Fixing color depth\"\n\nsed \"s/color_bpp\\s*=.*/color_bpp=32/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\" -i\nsed \"s/depth_bpp\\s*=.*/depth_bpp=32/\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\" -i  \necho \"...done\"",
                  "description": "Fix color depth"
                "task": {
                  "arch": "win32",
                  "key": "SampleCount",
                  "name": "set_regedit",
                  "path": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\Direct3D",
                  "prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
                  "type": "REG_DWORD",
                  "value": "00000008"
            "wine": {
              "overrides": {
                "msacm32.dll": "n,b"
          "content": "files:\n- officialpatch:\n- jflp:\n- nocd:\n- perfoptions:\n- msacm32:\n- highdrawexe:\n- hidpifontsfix:\n- wmfdist:\ngame:\n  arch: win32\n  exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe\n  prefix: $GAMEDIR\ninstaller:\n- task:\n    arch: win32\n    description: Creating Wine prefix\n    name: create_prefix\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n- insert-disc:\n    requires: setup.exe\n- task:\n    description: Installing Freelancer. Please choose \"Express install\".\n    executable: $DISC/setup.exe\n    name: wineexec\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n- execute:\n    command: mkdir -p '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/'\n    description: Creating configuration directory\n- move:\n    description: Creating configuration file\n    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\n    src: perfoptions\n- task:\n    description: Installing 1.1 patch\n    executable: officialpatch\n    name: wineexec\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n- task:\n    description: Installing required audio codecs (prevents in-game stuttering)\n    executable: wmfdist\n    name: wineexec\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n- move:\n    description: Installing no-cd\n    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe\n    src: nocd\n- move:\n    description: Adding msacm32.dll (saves downloading a 300mb file from winetricks)\n    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/msacm32.dll\n    src: msacm32\n- task:\n    description: Installing Jason's Freelancer Patch for widescreen support\n    executable: jflp\n    name: wineexec\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n- execute:\n    command: \"echo \\\"Setting in game resolution to $RESOLUTION_WIDTH x $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT...\\\"\\\n      \\n\\nsed \\\"s/size\\\\s*=.*/size=$RESOLUTION_WIDTH, $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT /\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My\\\n      \\ Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\\\" -i  \\nsed \\\"s/color_bpp\\\\s*=.*/color_bpp=32/\\\"\\\n      \\ \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\\\"\\\n      \\ -i\\nsed \\\"s/depth_bpp\\\\s*=.*/depth_bpp=32/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My\\\n      \\ Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\\\" -i  \\necho \\\"...done\\\"\\n\\nif [ $RESOLUTION_HEIGHT\\\n      \\ -gt 1500 ]\\nthen\\n  echo \\\"Your resolution's height is larger than 1500 pixels,\\\n      \\ this causes Freelancer to render fonts incorrectly on both windows and linux\\\"\\\n      \\n  echo \\\"Applying font patch...\\\"\\n  cp $CACHE/hidpi_fonts.ini \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program\\\n      \\ Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/FONTS/fonts.ini\\\"\\n  echo \\\"...done\\\"\\\n      \\nfi\\n# Symlink steamuser to the main user directory so Proton uses the same\\\n      \\ PerfOptions.ini\\nln -sf \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/steamuser\\\"\\\n      \\necho \\\"Complete!\\\"\\n\"\n    description: Setting game resolution your screen's native resolution\n- input_menu:\n    description: Increase draw distances?\n    id: DRAWDISTANCE\n    options:\n    - y: 'Yes'\n    - n: 'No'\n    preselect: y\n- execute:\n    command: \"if [ $INPUT = 'n' ]\\nthen\\n  echo \\\"...skipping\\\"\\nfi\\nif [ $INPUT =\\\n      \\ 'y' ]\\nthen\\n  echo \\\"Increasing game draw distance...\\\"\\n  sed \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges\\\n      \\ = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/SHIPS/shiparch.ini\\\"\\\n      \\ -i\\n  sed \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program\\\n      \\ Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/SHIPS/rtc_shiparch.ini\\\" -i\\n  sed \\\"\\\n      s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft\\\n      \\ Games/Freelancer/DATA/SOLAR/solararch.ini\\\" -i\\n  sed \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges\\\n      \\ = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/select_equip.ini\\\"\\\n      \\ -i\\n  sed \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program\\\n      \\ Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/weapon_equip.ini\\\" -i\\n  sed\\\n      \\ \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft\\\n      \\ Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/misc_equip.ini\\\" -i\\n  sed \\\"s/LODranges.*/LODranges\\\n      \\ = 0, 99999/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/DATA/EQUIPMENT/st_equip.ini\\\"\\\n      \\ -i\\n  cp $CACHE/Freelancer_IncreasedDrawDistance.exe \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program\\\n      \\ Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe\\\"\\n\\n  echo \\\"...done\\\"\\\n      \\nfi\\necho \\\"Complete!\\\"\\n\"\n    description: Draw distance patch\n- execute:\n    command: \"echo \\\"Fixing color depth\\\"\\n\\nsed \\\"s/color_bpp\\\\s*=.*/color_bpp=32/\\\"\\\n      \\ \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\\\"\\\n      \\ -i\\nsed \\\"s/depth_bpp\\\\s*=.*/depth_bpp=32/\\\" \\\"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/My\\\n      \\ Games/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini\\\" -i  \\necho \\\"...done\\\"\"\n    description: Fix color depth\n- task:\n    arch: win32\n    key: SampleCount\n    name: set_regedit\n    path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\Direct3D\n    prefix: $GAMEDIR\n    type: REG_DWORD\n    value: 00000008\nwine:\n  overrides:\n    msacm32.dll: n,b\n"

  • A copy of the game (CD-ROM or image thereof)

That should do it.

Note: I tried the installation with Bottles first but when trying to run the setup executable nothing happens. I tried various wine runners but eventually had to give up and turned to Lutris.


  • Start Lutris and add a new game

  • Choose “Install from a local install script”

  • Feed your install script (see above) to the installer

  • (Optional) Mount the CD-ROM image, if you have one

    • Fedora has the necessary utilities preinstalled. You can just choose “Open with Disk Image Mounter” from the context menu of the .iso file.
  • If it’s not detected automatically, choose the location of the setup.exe file in the root directory of your CD/image

  • Choose “Express Installation”

  • After the installation close the launcher manually

  • Proceed with the installation dialogs of the various things popping up

  • (Optional) Install the HD mod from here (simply run as executable inside the prefix). This includes nicer visuals, fixes for widescreens and a few other things you can choose during installation.

    Note: If you do install this, you have to change the executable of the game as the mod installs into its own separate location.

This should set you up for a nice trip down memory lane. You can of course choose one of the other available installation scripts from Lutris and install additional mods. I understand that there are quite a few out there. I, however, quite like the vanilla game and also don’t care about multiplayer but YMMV, as always.

Happy space exploring!