On Impostor Syndrome

I recently read a blog post about impostor syndrome which prompted me to write down my own musings on the subject. I’ll try and not repeat what Kev has written on the subject too much (see link above). I’ve been struggling with a feeling of inadequacy for many years now. Sometimes I wonder where it comes from but I cannot think of anything specific in my past that seems like a likely cause for this....

May 17, 2022 · 4 min

Redoing my CV and Cover Letter for Job Applications

I have recently decided to quit my current job and pursue a career as a developer. This decision has been in the making for a while and only matured a short time ago, still I feel like it’s the right thing for me to do. Obviously, I’ll need to apply for jobs and for that I need to get the paperwork in order. I need to update my CV to make sense when applying for coding jobs (as opposed to scientific positions in academia) and I need a cover letter for every job I’m applying to although a basic template that I can edit as the need arises should be sufficient....

May 4, 2022 · 6 min

How it all started

How my journey into the world of online privacy began

September 1, 2021 · 4 min